Thursday, November 24, 2011

Derelict Memory

Without this broken glass I cannot see.
Interrupted, the waters no longer flow steadily,
and sedated thoughts of you fade into sinking,
derelict memory.

My head is full of your old dreams; constantly
reminding me of a face I cannot clearly perceive.
I hide the addictions that fill the void you once
dwelt within; and with ease I repeat the
injuries to my psyche over and over again.

[19:30|24.11.011] ©c.thomas.carter

1 comment:

  1. a puzzle made of broken pieces of ours and the lives of others, seen from their futures, blocked by the circumlocutions of Memory....pieces of the dreams of All, pasted over backgrounds of meaningless gibber, creating an ambiguity supporting the directions of the next moments...... D.S. al infinitum.....and again, the unfoldings of thought rearrange the Universe.....
