Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Unreachable Enlightenment

Climbing the stairs that lead to nowhere;
Spiralling up into oblivion.
To ascend means an unreachable enlightenment;
Descending most certainly brings insanity.

Only one escape is present,
to leap out of the windows of this skyscraper;
and test the wings of chance,
whether to plummet or soar by a gamble.

[22:18|31.7.012] ©c.thomas.carter


  1. I can relate to this. Which is to say, I have related to this many moons gone past. We have both matured and grown so much since then. I still carry memories with me like old fading photographs. Thank you Data for contributing to the Lore of the web.

  2. Thanks, Shaun. I love writing and want to get back into this... hopefully without the pain this time.
