Thursday, February 2, 2012

Lingual Chutes and Ladders

Even If I should turn it off,
it still would give you power.
Collections of your agency
contemplated by the hour

the inbetween of ideological petrification
surpasses the infinite distance between the jump
to absolute zero.

nano-machines already exist
chemical programming substances
consist of genetic abnormalities
truly meant to interfere with reality

works of art
the power of the ATOM's berth
the poetry of passing thought
the conglomerate cognizance
of diatomaceous earth

an exhilarating phenomenon
constructing mechanized measurement of time
a sublime recreation of the ghost of
a previous moment of perception

central to the spiral staircase
leading down to the floor where
no more descent can occur
my language slurs and morphs
into lingual chutes and ladders.

[22:59|02.2.012] ©c.thomas.carter

1 comment:

  1. sometimes the floor is a concrete wall....sometimes the nearest particle seems light years away.......and what happens in this vast space.....whew!.....where IS absolute zero when one really needs to know......?
