Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Connexions (Rewritten)

Awaken Awaken,
for soon to collapse
and all shall disappear to reappear.
The cold that awaits this night
might be unendurable.
How long to sleep as worms,
unfolding the automaton,
all contained in cranial cells;
giving dreams limited
to half-thoughts,
barely even there;

And watch,
as the world is birthed
through sockets every new morning;
and where light fades,
the soul begins;
cooling points of fire stars,
or gateways to each every 'self'
desperately trying to exist
within the burden,
of the copy wakened too early.

Ahead of now,
standing in existence;
to see in language
those things unseen by the eyes;
populous one-dimensional points,
as single-root-ideas.

It started with a burn of bark,
a blue'ing of the eyes;
forgetting passages of time
as it is paid no heed.

Water falling from both sides,
eyes screaming light,
ever so softly,
and DNA sand dunes'
crystal double helices
pour from many mouths.

The corporeal form begins to decay;
jewels from the ears,
hair to fine strings of brass,
feet as clay
wash away with ocean tides,
and the face remains,
encased in its golden tomb.


And'zo it is unbecome;
revolve into chaos,
as Synethesic Schizophrenia,
a greater gift given
to the planes.

[16:33|23.9.015] c.thom.carter

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